Posted by Lori~
YES…Ethne and I love to RIOT! YES, WE CALL OURSELVES REBEL ROUSERS ON OCCASION…totally cheesy! We know! But I think totally appropriate!
As you know, I recently upgraded my camera to a Canon Rebel and am L.O.V.I.N.G. IT! Trust me—it makes a huge difference on the quality of photos I am taking. And I feel that in the end—it will pay off for me financially. Actually, my family goes to the lake cabin every year and I am bringing the camera along. We are going to do lake-side family photos (of course there will be an update on this on WOM-MOM).
Holly with her Canon Rebel...I have the same camera and LOVE IT! |
The very cool thing is that in my Little City, ND town lots of my girlfriends are doing camera upgrades. Crafty Katie was the first (remember Katie's home-made bags), then Holly (REMEMBER HOLLY’S AWESOME SHIRTS), next came me, and my girlfriend Andrea also recently took the plunge (remember her ADORABLE BABY SHOWER). I have also been told that several other friends have DSLR cameras! And the funny thing is that most of us have CANON REBELS! WE ARE REBEL ROUSERS!
Katie and Andrea
I took the photo--it is a little bright, but I am learning |
And so, Holly, Katie, Andrea, and I recently hit Katie’s house for a Canon Rebel Tutorial. You see—these girls are taking FABULOUS PHOTOS in manual mode (not auto for them) and they are not using the flash at all! I do hope to upgrade my lens (I know…I just bought it) very soon to the 50 mm lens.
Katie instructing. Notice how Katie is in focus? I planned that! |
Katie had us use Kid's books to practice focus, depth, and so much more!
Pretty professional--right? |
And we have decided to start a photography club (I think we should call ourselves the rebel rousers). I am by no means a photography expert; however I think it will be tons of fun to get together, compare shots, compare ideas, and discuss photography. Plans are in effect to pick a date. We are doing this in our little city, ND town. What are you doing? WOMS—WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU!
I am looking forward to the Rebel Rousers!!
I'll drive to your little city in ND and you can come to mine if you'd like for a photography club meeting! I'm a fellow Rebel user and definitely could be a Rouser too.
Katie: WE WOULD LOVE FOR YOU TO JOIN THE "REBEL ROUSERS"! I will email you when we get together!
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