July 6, 2011

WHIT'S TIPS: Mascara Magic!

Posted by Ethne~

I am super excited that my sister Whit is in town this week!  Naturally we got right to work putting together some tips for you.  Good thing we did it on the 4th of July because she got strep throat!  On her vacation!  TERRIBLE!

Relaxing on Thrifty Nana's GORGEOUS patio.

Whitney and I believe that mascara is the most important tool in a lady’s make-up arsenal.  If you wear nothing else, wear mascara.  Do we recommend that this be all that you wear?  Of course not!  But if you only have two minutes, this is the one and only.

It is important for you to know that mascara isn’t about just slapping the brush across your lashes a few times.  Sure, that’ll do, but you see, you can stick your head up a bull’s bum, or you can take our word for it.  There’s a lot more to mascara than that.

Me BEFORE: Terrible picture!
Look how I sacrifice for you!

Whit’s given you a few recommendations about mascara here, and I also like the Cover Girl LashBlast mascara line.  Whit and I have always been fans of black mascara.  Even blackest black.  If you’re going to go dramatic with your lashes, don’t do brown.  Seriously, brown = lash poo.

First up, you want clean lashes.  This is typically part of our getting-ready routine, so we’re usually fresh out of the shower when applying mascara.

Next, apply the mascara in slow-ish, smooth strokes from the base of your lashes out to the tips.  Apply a couple of strokes to cover the lashes on each eye.

First coat

Now, and this is key.  Re-dip your wand into the tube for a fresh coat and place the brush at the base of your lashes.  Slowly twist the want forward/outward and at the same time pull the wand from the base to the tips of your lashes.  This will give you a good coating.  Do this a couple of times for each eye.

Twist outward and pull toward tips of lashes

Re-dip your wand again and brush the topside of your lashes (Whit and I would call these the backs of your lashes since when your eyes are open, topside/backs face your eyelid).

Now wait a minute for this to set.

Applying to the topside/back of lashes

Re-dip your wand again take your fresh brush and apply the mascara just to the tips of your lashes.  This will lengthen your lashes – even longer than your natural lash since you’re adding onto the base of mascara you already have applied.

Brush onto tips to lengthen

For your bottom lashes, don’t just pull the bristles through those shorter lashes in straight strokes.  Place the wand at the base of your lower lashes and wiggle the bristles out to the tips of your lashes.  This applies the mascara better.  Allow to set for a minute and apply just to the tips to lengthen your lower lashes.

Bottom application

Now doesn’t that make a difference?  

Whit has a before and after for you here

Of course, we can’t all have Whit’s amazing, naturally curly eyelashes, but we can still have GORGEOUS eyes.  Trust me, do this and you’ll be red-carpet ready. 

I felt completely GORGEOUS all day long - perfect for the 4th!
More on my FAB-U-OUS sunless tan, seen here, soon!

Here’s to us, WOMs!  Let your gorgeousness shine!

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