Posted by Lori~
My husband Steve has many skills…he teaches journalism classes, is a fantastic writer, plays a mean game of tennis, and…cannot pass up a food challenge! He loves a food challenge and he has tried any and all challenges we have come across.
Yes, Steve has participated in the Buffalo Wild Wings Blazin’ Challenge seven times…and won each and every time. Steve was required to eat seven wings in ten minutes or less…with no condiments or beverages to cut down the HEAT. And these are the HOTTEST wings BWW offers. Typically there are tears from the heat…and the worst is when you get wing sauce in your eyes (this is what Steve tells me). But…I am proud of my man!
Other food challenges have included a steak challenge, burger challenge, and in DL, ND the PIGOUT OMELET CHALLENGE. This challenge can be found at Mr. and Mrs. J’s in Devil’s Lake, ND (this is a great restaurant and I would encourage you to eat there is you stop in DL, ND).
Steve has tried this challenge before and failed, but for the sake of WOM-MOM and for Steve’s man-hood…he HAD TO TRY IT ONE MORE TIME!
Steve contimplating if he should try again! |
And so…the challenge began. A 12 EGG OMELET FILLED WITH EVERY TOPPING! IN ADDITION, TWO PIECES OF TOAST AND HASHBROWNS. This must be eaten in 1 hour or less in its entirety. And what do you win…bragging rights, t-shirts, and your omelet is FREE!
Wall of FAME or is it SHAME? |
The family cheered him on!
P and Little J cheer on Steve! |
Mur-Man cheered on Steve too! |
Unfortunately, Steve had to give in…he couldn’t complete the challenge. And Steve says he is done with this challenge…he has accepted that it will NOT HAPPEN.
Steve puking....actually FAKE PUKING!
But this is about the time he said DONE! CHALLENGE FAILED! |
He ate half! |
Steve is great at heat challenges (HOT FOOD), but not so good at food quantity challenges. I love my hubby and am proud of him!
Time to start sampling...Big J takes a bite! |
Little J takes a turn. |
Mur-Man is overwhelmed! "That omelet is HUGE!" |
P and Lisa finish it up! |
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