June 22, 2011


Posted by Lori~

Both Steve and I work at a college in Little City, ND and we love it!  Recently we had a visit from a journalism student who just returned from Kenya.  Rhonnie’s trip was fascinating; she had lots of stories to share, and even kept us in the loop of all the trip happenings on her blog.  Check it out here.

Rhonnie bought this bag in Africa for ONLY $12.00
We grilled steak, made sweet potatoes (awesome recipe for a future post), and asparagus straight from Steve’s mom’s garden (YUMMMMMYYY).

Rhonnie brought the dessert and the tea (straight from Africa).  Dessert was coconut cookies. 
Rhonnie loves the coconut cookies!
Rhonnie explained how this had been their treat after a torturous hike up an African mountain.  Rhonnie is a KILLER spin class instructor…if she struggled to get up the mountain…I don’t even want to know how Ethne or I would do!  Quantum Leap here we come! 
Roger even liked the cookies!
Rhonnie brought Kenyan tea and served it the exact way it was served in Kenya. 

Fill your mug ¾ full of milk (Rhonnie brought 2% milk) and heat (we used the microwave). 

Add hot water (courtesy of our electric tea pot). 

Add a tea bag and let seep until done (your preference). 

Add sugar if you desire (pure sugar—substitute sweeteners will not do).  ENJOY!  WE DID!
Steve and Rhonnie toasting their African Tea!
Thank you Rhonnie for bringing a little African culture to our home and to WOM-MOM!  WOMs it is no secret that Ethne and I L.O.V.E. TEA!  MORE TEA MAKING TUTORIALS TO COME! 

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