November 21, 2011


Posted by Ethne~

Tonite was KD’s turn to have a sleepover with Thrifty Nana so it was Easy Mac’s night to spend with Mommy and Daddy one-on-one – that meant Mommy needed to find a painting project for her!

I’m in Christmas crafty mode, so I turned to my buddy Pinterest for some ideas.  Lo and behold, there are many.  But a painting one presented itself:  color clear glass Christmas bulb ornaments with swirls of colored acrylic paint inside.

This was perfect since I already had the acrylic paint from KD’s stool yesterday.  AND, the glass ornaments were on sale at JoAnn’s for 40% off.  I bought a pack of 8 smalls and 6 mediums.

Then it was trial and error.  Easy Mac picked out the colors for us, which she thought was great.  I swirled the paint around inside and then set the bulbs upside down in an egg carton so the excess paint could drain out and make a cool gravity-style design as it went.

I personally liked more paint than not.  Shaun and I each made one that had very little paint in, and I’m wondering if perhaps I’ll add snowy shimmer flakes to the inside.

I bought thin shimmery ribbon (50% off) to tie a bow around the neck of each bulb and maybe a few gems too.  So much fun to be had! 

It’s going to be a homemade Christmas this year – and all the ideas we need are just a click away.  Do you do Pinterest yet?  Come on!

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