October 24, 2011

FIVE DAYS OF HALLOWEEN: Halloween Crafts for Kids!

Posted by Ethne~

In preparation for Halloween Fest on WOM-MOM, and also to keep the kiddos busy over the weekend, we did some kid crafts, spooky style.

Little Paper Guys:  I had a whole lot of construction paper, so I figured a few activities with colorful papyrus would be a winner.  I asked the girls what sort of Halloween character they’d like; Easy Mac picked a candy corn and KD picked a pumpkin.  I cut little ½” squares of construction paper and put them, color coded, into small dishes.

I drew the general pumpkin and candy corn shapes onto a 8-1/2 x 11” piece of construction paper.  Using a glue stick, I glue-spackled portions of each shape, then instructed the girls to cover that shape with the coordinating paper. 

When the girls determined that they were satisfied with the colored-paper coverage, I gave them each eyes, noses and mouths to adhere.  And for the pumpkin, KD got leaves and a stem too.  Easy Mac didn’t want a nose on her candy corn.  I had the girls sign their artwork.  I’m always looking for places to memorialize how advanced their signatures are.

Felt Critters:  I did free-hand cut-outs of cats and pumpkins, along with decorative features such as mouths and eyes.  I put Elmer’s School Glue dabs on the pieces and let the girls decorate the faces as they liked.  KD didn’t like the mouth I made for hers: she said she didn’t want a “lady mouth” on hers.

Easy Mac's guys
KD's critters

Pumpkin Cut-outs:  Shaun cut pumpkins out of orange construction paper, then cut a brown stem and green leaf for each.  He taped the pieces together and gave one each to the girls with a black crayon.  Instruction – draw a face.  Easy Mac’s was cute because the eyes had pupils in them; KD’s was funny – eyes, ears and mouth were circles, then a line over the mouth for a moustache.  So fun.

3-D Felt Pumpkins:  I thought I’d make felt pumpkins to decorate the house with, what with the felt food kick I’m on and this cute little example I pinned to our Pinterest page.  I made one each for the girls but it turned out not to be very fun.  It’s completely unrealistic yet to keep the girls’ attention if a needle and thread are required.

Great Pre-school Idea:  The girls came home Thursday with an orange pumpkin from pre-school.  They were proud to tell me that they mixed red paint and yellow paint to make orange paint and then they mixed the orange paint with white shaving cream and painted the orange cream onto their pumpkin-shaped paper with their hands.  I thought it was a great idea.

So that’s our Halloween-filled weekend.  We bought pumpkins and decorated the house, but I’ll tell you about that later.

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