August 11, 2011


Posted by Lori~

Crafty G-Ma (my mom) did a major sewing machine upgrade.  You see—I currently sew using mom’s retro machine and I love it!  However, mom is WAY into sewing and quilting—her items are fabulous!

Jen using my "retro" machine!  IT WORKS SLICK!

As a result—she did the upgrade and her new machine does EVERYTHING!  It even connects to a computer!  WOW!

As a result—she had no use for her brother embroidery machine—VOILA!  IT WAS MINE!  WATCH-OUT WOMS…major labeling will be happening.

During a recent visit to my little city, ND town, Crafty G-Ma showed me the ropes!  Check it out!

Watching the "brother" work its magic!
Of course Ethne and I have lots of plans to put this machine to good use!  And we can’t wait!  WOMS—do any of you have this machine or something similar?  We would love to hear from you!  Please send inspiration our way!

Ready for some major labeling! 
Mur-Man is a major WOM-MOM fan!


WOM-MOMS said...

L.O.V.E. it!

Anonymous said...

A great idea is name or initial embroidered towels. Great for little kid gifts, or as a gift for grads going off to college!

sewingmachinebuffs said...

Wow really great work i like it....