February 24, 2013

Cereal Box Cord Storage (Winter Pinterest Challenge)

Posted by Ethne~

Update~ YHL Pinterest Challenge Today (2.27.13)! This post is being linked up the Young House Love’s winter Pinterest Challenge.  Check out the things everyone else does tried out from their Pinterest pins by clicking here and scrolling through their post.

Sooooo, despite the great amount of storage I have available in my kitchen, I’m always looking for ways to make it better organized.  And organization, somehow, wasn’t genetically programmed into my DNA.  Piggishness wasn’t either, but I would far rather do a craft than clean my house.  Or play on my kindle.  Or watch Duck Dynasty.  That show is cray-cray!

CREDIT: A&E - dudes, check this show out, it's genius.

Lori and I have been following a blog called I Heart Organizing lately.  The lady, awesomely, is from our next-door-neighbor, Wisconsin – which means she even shops at our very own Ikea!  I pinned her post on making drawer organizers out of cereal cardboard boxes (my interpretation is any random box) and pretty paper.  So I saved a cereal & a Velveeta box, found the few pieces of scrapbook paper I had (wouldn’t have been my first choice of colors, but I don’t do much scrapbooking), and got to work.

My pin-spiration

The organization problem: I was storing all of our electronics cords in the nice, deep kitchen towel drawer.  I intend to keep these two misfits together – but we’re gonna do better.

I cut my cereal boxes down to size – about 5-6 inches tall.  It didn’t matter for my drawer since it’s so deep.  The small box was from a Velveeta cheese so it needed no adjustment.

I took a box cutter to mine - it coulda been neater, but I was covering it up!!

I found I did not have enough paper for complete wrapping, so I just covered them enough that all visible area would be pretty.  I just used Scotch tape – nothing fancy – I’m not sending these suckers to the moon or something.

I used my 3M full-adhesive-backed tabs for labeling each box.  I also used strips of that paper for labeling the cords, and then “laminated” the labels with Scotch tape since I don’t have that fancy tape everyone is using these days. 

I used the orange, not for contrast, but so Shaun wouldn't gag (as much).
I did discover that I have multiple of the SAME charger, but given my loss ratio, I am glad for it.  UPDATE: none lost so far.

Now all into my drawer – it’s a thing of beauty.  Look at it!  Towels!  Washclothes!  Potholders!  Phone chargers!  It all makes my heart pitter-patter.  Shaun said he’d try to keep it all straight.  Bless him.

That is a very deep drawer.  Now it is very well organized too.


Gretchen said...

looks good! I definitely need to get some cord storage going on around here....might have to do this :)

Natalie S. said...

Neat, I've never seen the suggestion to put scrapbook paper. Looks great and it's free! I actually just cut the top of a tissue box this morning to make it a cord organizer as well. Now I wish I could find a box to organize my cd's! Thanks for sharing! :)