April 29, 2011

THE BIG DAY: Royal Watching!

Posted by Ethne and Lori~

Ethne’s Story:

As promised, I got up at 3:04 a.m. (yeah, I slept in 4 extra minutes, so sue me) for the BIG EVENT!  Lori didn’t.  She slacked.  But I’ll let her make her excuses.

I premise this story by saying that some of the below pictures are offered in true, brutal honesty in keeping with the integrity of our blog.  I will deny their legitimacy if they are ever used against me.  Consider yourselves warned.

My first move was to turn on the TV – I opted for my fave – Today Show (Meredith and Matt – don’t forget that we expect our loyalty to be repaid with an appearance on your show at some future date).  I didn’t take a pic to dramatically reenact this, but I did take a pic of me watching, prone, from the couch:

I think I look rather refreshed for 3 a.m.

Second order of business, text Thrifty Nana to make sure she was awake. Sure as shootin’ she was!  But where was Whit?  She was supposed to call and make sure I was awake by 3:00, seeing as she only had to get up at 4:00 in Atlanta.  I broke down and called her at 3:20 and it went straight to voicemail. What?!?  No answer to my ‘get up’ text either.

TN and I text-talked for another ½-hour till we decided that we better take quick showers so we didn’t miss the real business.  Who cares about the lower royals filing in from their buses?  Well, me, but I had to make sacrifices.

After showers, it was finally time to have a cup of tea and talk for realsies, so TN called me.  This worked swell till Kate was arriving at Westminster Abbey and we still had no Whit on the line.  Thankfully, she beeped in just as Kate was getting to the front of the church.  Woot!  Her phone had forsaken her and inexplicably died, laying right there on her chest.  Not knowing that she had only missed the aisle-stroll, she said “My life is over”.  That’s a quote, Friends. Thankfully karma was with her and she jolted awake just in time.

I immediately worked my magic and three-way’d TN in on the convo and we watched the whole deal in unison.  It was pretty much brilliant.  Here is a pic of me talking to them, with wet hair, in living color:

Cross-country wedding viewing!

Sweet Baby T-Rex watched with me – my trusty companion.  I’m pretty sure he loved Kate’s dress as much as I did:

Intently tuned to the tube.
This is what was on just then.

At this point, it was time to fulfill my official duties as a Wom-Mom, and I got the girls up and ready.  I let them pick out their clothes since I was in a friendly-type mood.  And also because they were distracted by this task and I could get a little more watching in.  There was a little dallying going on as we were ready to get the kids on their way to daycare with Shaun.  The trusty Today Show kiss countdown told me there were a mere 12 minutes till the big balcony show, so I cracked down and got them on their way.  And I happily watched the two sweet kisses and headed to work.

A whole work-day went by:

Getting some work done.

And now it’s time to re-live the magic – with the girls and TN.  Let’s see how we fared:

I have nothing.  The girls didn't want to wear their Tangled tiaras; they chewed on their pearl necklaces.  They did cheer when the kisses were re-played, so I guess that makes it magical for me.  The little scamps.  Emma told Thrifty Nana that she wanted to go to college and meet Prince Charming.  :)  I won't argue.

Lori’s Story:
I didn’t take the plunge like Ethne (and you know that I am not a morning person), so I was in bed by 11:30 p.m., but not before setting my TIVO to record the royal wedding. 
I knew I had a royal party to attend at 7:30 a.m.

I received this special invite in the mail!

Displayed proudly on my desk next to Steve and Mur-Man!  A-DOR-ABLE!

I got up (just in time to catch the kiss), I quickly got ready, grabbed my royal hat (purchased of course at a thrift store), dressed Mur-Man in his Sunday best (even a pageboy hat for my Mur-Man) and headed to the party. 
Mur-Man and I were greeted by a sign welcoming us to the wedding of William and Kate.

A table was full of yum! 

Mur-Man and my thrifty co-worker (or the Queen Mum?)

The party was perfect complete with Englishmen (or college students from England).

The perfect decor!
Mur-Man getting into the celebration!

My royal wedding day was perfection—I capped off the day with hitting play on the TIVO.  I am catching all the royal action while typing this post.  I love it!  I love William!  I love Kate’s dress.  All is magnificent and already I am scheming.  MISSION:  My Mur-Man WILL MARRY A ROYAL!  DECISION DONE! 

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