Posted by Ethne~
So Shaun and I are always looking for ways to correct the
girls’ bad behavior. They are not
terrible kids, but they do things that are not acceptable and there are
consequences for that.
Unless behavior is particularly egregious, tho, we really
don’t like to spank them (swat is more like it – we don’t do it to hurt them). I feel super guilty after I swat them. I know Shaun hates to do it too. We were spanked as kids when necessary, and
we both believe that spanking is okay as long as it is not excessive or
over-used. We asked the girls’
pediatrician about this and she was supportive, especially knowing that we
prefer other options whenever possible.
We threaten spanking more than we ever do it. Our spanking board (a mini cutting board
Thrifty Nana used for the same purpose for Whit and me) is called Big Ernie (no idea how TN came up with that name). That is often enough to correct the behavior –
the girls know that it is not an empty threat, and this gives them a chance to
behave before actually getting the spanking.
I internally chuckle as I pull Big Ernie out from the cupboard next to the dinner plates – the same location
where TN and Dad stored it when we were kids – and that it’s actually the same
Big Ernie from childhood.
NOTE: You may or may not agree with Shaun and me, and if
you don’t spank your children, that’s a parenting decision you’re free to make.
So anyway, back to the other options. Shaun and I use a lot of 'time out' – we have a
time out stool which sits in a place where the girls can’t see the TV (not
punishment if they can still see a movie we might be watching), yet we can see
the stool to make sure they stay on it.
We’ll continue to use time out as it still seems to be effective.
We use positive reinforcement and re-direction, but
sometimes that’s hard or it isn’t enough to correct the behavior. If the kiddos are acting up, re-direction is
a good idea. If they’ve hit or kicked
someone tho, there needs to be a consequence.
My invention: the ransom box. I saw something like it mentioned on Pinterest,
and thought I’d take it for a test drive.
I have a medium-sized, clear-sided plastic storage big with lock-tite
handles. I taped a label on the top that
says ‘Ransom Box’.
The key is that if the girls do something that needs
calls for discipline, they will have to put an item into the ransom box
(obviously it has to be something they want back) and have to do a chore in
order to get the item back.
Shaun and I had some difficulty coming up with
age-appropriate chores. Obviously clean
the toilet or shovel the driveway aren’t going to work yet (though man, I can’t
wait till cleaning the toilet is a regular chore I can delegate). Here are a few things we came up with: ‘Make
your bed’, ‘Sweep the crumbs up from under the dinner table’, ‘Wipe off the
table with a washcloth’ and ‘Empty the bathroom trash can’ are some tasks they
can do.
So far, so good.
KD was pretty ticked when she had to give up her teddy, but she got him
back pretty quickly by emptying the bathroom garbage. Easy Mac threw a serious tantrum over losing
her teddy to the ransom box, so she didn’t end up doing her chore till the next day since she fell asleep in the course of the tantrum.
If this works, I am going to be really stoked. I hate cleaning, so having them do some of it
is genius.
1 comment:
Hi Ethne and Lori,
Finally figured this sign-on thing to wommom. A couple of fb friends want to be my Pinterest friend, didn't know I had a pinterest acct.
BTW: I have pictures of picking Elderberries, extracting juice, freezing, thawing and making into jelly. The same with our harvest of tomatoes.
Enjoyed my recent read on your site!
Mom (aka: TN)
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