July 5, 2013

Happy {belated} Birthday America!

Posted by Ethne~

Hello Friends!

I’m sure you missed us terribly yesterday.  That was totally my fault.  I was supposed to post but I slacked completely.  In part because we had family over and I was busy hosting for the 4th and in part because I had hemorrhoid surgery on Monday and my butt hurts.  This is all true.  Everyone thinks the latter is HILARIOUS except me, though I take it in my usual good humor and just swear a whole bunch.

We did have a nice 4th of July.  The girls sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to America, which I found precious.  We hung out outside almost all day (I on my butt donut), took lots of pictures, had a three-way fight over the control of music selection on the Sonos and watched our big city suburb’s pretty-darn-good fireworks display.

I hope you all had a nice Independence Day too.  I, for one, always remind myself of what a spectacular thing it is that our country won its independence.  For all the things each one of us disagrees with and gripes about, think of the things we enjoy and even take for granted.  Personally, I talk about just about whatever I want to on this blog, wear what I want and, as a girl, got to go to college.  (Of course, these are just 4 of a kazillion.) 

The Good Lord willing, my girls and their children after them will also be equally thankful and able to gripe.

If you get a chance, thank our servicemen and women and any law enforcement and firefighters you know for keeping us free and safe.  They rock.  And don’t drink and drive, k?

Here are a few pictures of our day:

Loving the parade!

A perfect day for water guns and the swimming pool
The neighbors love the shrieks I'm sure

Isn't that sweet?
Sport mode on the Rebel captured some cool hopscotch photos.
Easy Mac catching some air.
I even look infirm in this photo.  I assure you I am sitting on my donut.
Catching bubbles
The girls don't know that you can get REAL fireworks in other states (some neighbors do, which is cool).  For now, they think fountains are pretty cool.  And our suburb did a great job with the show, which we watched from our neighbor's yard.  LAZY. SLICK.

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