November 28, 2012


Posted by Lori~

As you know, Mur-Man got a new “big boy” bed and this required a little bit of room re-arranging.  In addition, we did a little bit more decorating, painting, etc.

I wanted to give you a few room tweaking photos!
New smaller IKEA shelf in place (with Mur-Man's action figures and more!)
This giant metal "M" was purchased during Junk-Fest! 
I thought it was magnetic!  But it is not!
My $5.00 garage sale find!  LOVE IT!
Mur-Man and Roger's super-hero capes!
Love the red hook! Purchased at a thrift store!
In addition, there will be more photos to come.  I promise, I will get out the fish-eye lens very soon for photos of the entire room!  It's so colorful!  Probably one of my favorite rooms in the house!

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