November 7, 2012

Election Evening with my BFF

Posted by Ethne & Lori~

Well, Friends, it was an exciting night!  I’ll preface this by saying Lori’s and my candidates lost some and won some, so we are both disappointed and happy.  What we really are happy about is having seen all those ‘I Voted’ stickers around town yesterday.  The democratic process is so amazing!

So amazing, in fact, that Lori, Lori’s friend and I called it Christmas Eve!  Not that the results were all ‘gifts’ for us, but the anticipation of the election returns have the same feeling as Christmas Eve does when we were kids.

To start, Lori, Mur-Man & Steve got tacos and went to a party event in little city, ND, to take in the spirit.  Shaun, the girls & I got McDonald’s.  We considered not having to cook ‘celebratory’.  Clearly eating fast food is the way to celebrate election return excitement.  And super classy.  [I was talking to Thrifty Nana (my mom) as I was going through the drive-through at McDonald’s and she told me to ask if they were giving away anything free if you had your ‘I Voted’ sticker on (evidently Caribou was giving away free coffee and Herberger’s was giving you $20 off a $50 purchase) and they said NO – so TN said she is now WOM-COTTING McDonald’s and will not be going there for 30 days.  Hilarious.]

Shaun and I had originally planned to take the girls to the polls with us when we voted, but that didn’t work for a few reasons, so we printed up ‘sample’ Minnesota ballots and the girls got to vote after dinner last night.  When I was at the polls to vote, I asked for 2 extra ‘I Voted’ stickers and gave those to the girls after they finished voting.  They felt so important.  Easy-Mac wrote herself in as a write-in candidate twice.  Lori found a US map with each state blank for coloring in red or blue as the return came in for that state.  Great idea!  We hope we imparted the importance of voting to our kids.  The girls asked, first thing, who won president this morning.  I was very proud at the inquiry.

I read the 'jobs' and names of the candidates for each job
Easy Mac voted in purple crayon - woot - cross the aisles, Friends!
The D family - Voters and Angry Bird fans

Now, Friends, let’s work together, red and blue, and keep this country great!  And do some purple crafts!  It’s the American way!


kristina kenway said...
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cara menggugurkan hamil said...

now present in your city