November 22, 2012

Ethne is Thankful in 2012!

Posted by Ethne~

Well, Friends, I can’t say 2012 has been the easiest of all years, though there is certainly no need to go into finite details since I must say – I have a lot to be thankful for.  Here are a few things, in no particular order:

1.         Shaun and the girls.  My loves, my craft focusees (they love that), my food test-subjects, and right now, my errand kids.  There’s almost nothing they wouldn’t do for loose change.

2.         Sweet Baby T-Rex.  My kitty.  I love him.  Even when holding him still as Shaun blows his hair dry after his bath yesterday.  He LOVED that.  Shaun too, I’d wager.

3.         Farm-fresh cage-free chicken eggs.  So good.

4.         Shopping and playing make-up with Whit – especially awesome now that she lives in MN again!  Having all of our family around us is so awesome.  Thrifty Nana and Mom D are wonderful shopping partners, too!

5.         Girls Trip.  Good Lord do I love those girls.

6.         50 Shades of Grey.  Thank you Kari.  *wink*

7.         Making Pinterest Challenge gifts with my sis Mel.

8.         New books by my fave blog authors this year: Young House Love and New Dress A Day.  When Lori and I met Sherry and John from YHL at their book signing last week, we were convinced that *someday* our book will happen.  We should start actually writing something in 2013, just in case.

9.         The roof over my head.  Shaun and I moved to a really great ranch-style house last spring.  A bedroom for each of the girls.  A whole play area, a back yard, grown trees and a park behind us – like I said, I’m thankful.

10.         I’m feeling great.  I got kinda sick last May, and with some doctors’ input, I’m doing much better.  I feel like my old awesome self, only with bangs, so pretty much newer and awesomer.
11.         Celebrity Fantasy Draft.  It hasn’t officially started yet, but I’m playing it with my best friends, and I must say, I’m scintillated.

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