May 22, 2012

Fairy Garden

Posted by Lori~ 
Ethne hasn’t been feeling well the past few weeks, but she doesn’t want to drop off the blog either, so I talked to her about a recent project she did with the girls (and talked about here) and she sent me some pictures.
We are both constantly scouring Pinterest and you can check out our Wom-Mom Pinterest page to see all sorts of interesting tips, tricks and totally awesome stuff we’ve pinned. This project was inspired by something Ethne pinned.
It has kind of become a thing with the Ethne, (Shaun) and their girls to do all things fairy. They find great things like fairy doors and houses at the MN Renaissance Festival; the girls are in awe of the real-life fairy Twig there. The girls’ bedroom (before they moved) was decorated with fairies.
Of course a fairy garden fit RIGHT IN. Ethne and I both love to garden and Easy Mac, KD and Mur-Man all love to play in dirt. It’s a match made in a muddy corner of heaven (there are mud holes in heaven, guaranteed)!
So Ethne searched out her plants: a goofy “stepable” plant called Miniature Stonecrop; check out their website here – it’s crazy – these plants WANT to be stepped on. Perfect for kids, but Ethne thought they were also perfect for a fairy garden because the leaves are so small they look like little fairy mossy grass. This plant came from Menards and a 3-pack cost $6.99.
Ethne also found plants called Mexican Heather and calibrachoa which she thought fairies would like too.
For accents, Ethne found a little bench for cheap at a local floral shop and a picket fence at JoAnn for $.49. The girls picked out big rocks to look like boulders and little shells from Lake Michigan when they drove across the Upper Peninsula a few weeks ago.
Ethne arranged these items in a garden-like fashion in wooden pots she got from Thrifty Nana. The garden needed a stone path, so she picked those out of their rock border around the house, and little stones topped the soil for a completed look.
Aren’t they so cute?
This is a great way to have fun with your kids, Woms!

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