October 11, 2013

More Easy Halloween Decor Ideas from Ethne's House.

Posted by Ethne~

Hey scary dudes!

Well, like Lori, we’ve been doing some serious Halloween decorating up in here.

Beware!  This guy came from Target yesterday; most of my other decor was from Target post-season clearance (except those wee glass pumpkins in the background there - those are from my bff Dot).

The girls didn’t have school on Monday so I stayed home with them.  I nearly broke my neck getting the (orange) decorations tub out of the storage in the garage – think Clark W. Griswald, Jr., decorating his house for Christmas.

Then last night Shaun took KD on a surprise run to a store.  I told him if the store happened to carry Diet Coke and milk, we were in need because Target was out of my DC Sodastream syrup today.  And are a lot of you with me that you go through a lot of milk these days?

Anyway, he comes back an hour later (after Easy Mac and I do laundry and clean the litter box) with an amazing array of Halloween decorations since the girls told him they wanted some outdoor decorations in our yard.  What a good dad.  [TIP: If you scour the awesomeness of Pottery Barn and West Elm catalogs, you know they have BRILLIANT decorations, for a fair amount of cash.  Then, take those ideas to Target, which does it up well, with much less pain to my pocketbook - and their after-season clearance is killer.]

So here’s what we’ve got.  I didn’t take pictures of all the décor in nooks and crannies, and the skull lights around the front door didn’t turn out well at night, so I’ll have to try again – but this is the gist of our Halloween spirit.  We’re covered.


This cheap-o package of bats from JoAnn was tied together to make a banner with black thread (by me).  The pumpkins are lapel pins my mom made with her students using felt, fabric and Wunder-Under.
One of our coat closet doors I cover with the girls' artwork - there is more coming daily from school which I'll hang up this weekend.  (A piece of candy corn came yesterday).  They did not cross-stitch that wee little thing.  That was me from a clearance thing at JoAnn back in 2006 and it was probably less than $1.  (I know it was by me and 2006 because I always put my initial and the date somewhere tiny on the piece.)
The other closet door has our witch that mom got when we were kids.  She's witchy but not too scary.  Her moveable joints are fun for the girls.  The skeletons are glow-in-the-dark.
You can make just about anything a little scarier by adding some spiderweb.  The stuff is cheap-o.  The kids think it's great - and it doesn't damage anything.  Making your pictures crooked - seems to fit.
This guy is one of my favorites.  We have him on a stool and propped up with movies so he looks out the front windows.  Shaun and KD got me a teeny version for my couch's end-table last night.  So sweet.
This creepster is probably our most expensive at $35.  Shaun said he didn't mean to buy him last night, but then KD was afraid of him, so he had to buy him on principle.  The girls think he's the best ever - rattling, cackling, lighting up and generally making a scene.  We'll put him outside for trick-or-treating I think, but he's an indoor thing.
This is our graveyard, complete with skeleton coming out of the ground.  I don't think it cost more than $10, give or take a few bucks.  You can see the light-up skulls in the top right of the photo.  Those were also pretty cheap at Target and look great around our front steps.

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