April 2, 2012


Posted by Ethne~

Well, we WOMS are always looking for a bargain – and any amount off your purchase is great.

Are you familiar with the Caribou Coffee daily quiz question?  You get 10¢ off your coffee purchase if you get the question correct.  I have never been able to answer one of the questions correct, but I don’t drink too much coffee, either.

Drinking coffee with Lor last time she came
to town - at Caribou of course!

My sister, Whit, drinks plenty off coffee and, a few days ago in her local suburban Atlanta Caribou Coffee shop, she saw their daily question:

‘What is the geographical center of North America?’

She instantly blurted out: “That’s Rugby, North Dakota.”

The Caribou barista looked at her as though she had a third eye, Whit reported to me.  “You know the answer to that?” he said.  “You get the answer correct if you say ‘North Dakota’.”  Hilarious!

Naturally, all of us North Dakotans can get that answer right!  KD, Easy Mac and Mur-Man will definitely know this important trivia.  And we will keep learning other random trivia facts to get more change off of our coffee orders.  Every penny counts!

Remember from here where I made
re-useable coffee sleeves from my stash?

But for being in Atlanta and knowing the answer in such exact detail, don’t you think Whit should’ve gotten her entire coffee order for FREE?

(Y’all will be excited to hear that Whit and Bryan will be moving home to MN FOR GOOD in a month!  This is such HAPPY SPRING news!)

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