So technically it's a fruit smoothie, but I'm sneaking some trick nutrition in as well. You know Lori and I are fans of Jessica Seinfeld's book, Deceptively Delicious. We've made many a puree for our kids out of all the fruits and veggies we can get our hands on. KD, Easy Mac and Mur-Man only ate homemade baby food.
Easy Mac's first try of beets |
WOM-MOM follower, Kyra, commented about how she's been making green smoothies for her kids out of green veggie puree and fruits, yogurt and other good stuff she can think of.
That got me to thinkin'. I have several bags of puree varieties in my freezer, and I have yogurt, fresh fruit, kefir and juice in my fridge.
Fresh mangoes |

For today's smoothie, I used a few spoonfuls of beet puree, a few spoonfuls of kefir (homemade yogurt), some frozen fresh raspberries and mangoes and some OJ. I blended it all up till it was smooth, and then added a few grapes (to use them up) and a little more OJ to get to the right consistency.
I put the smoothie in a covered cup (with straw) for the girls and that was their morning snack. There was enough that I had some too, which is just fine, seeing as Mommy should have some good food too.
Sorry, didn't take a pic of the actual smoothie |
Think of all the great nutrition we got from that smoothie - and the kiddos were none the wiser! The only drawback - KD spilled some on my ivory carpet - which is why I have the girls eat and drink in the kitchen 99% of the time.
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