August 8, 2013

I'm up to no good but working on being sunny.

Posted by Ethne~

Hey blog friends! 

I’m working on a post about how to use blush and bronzer in the summer.  You will totally thank me for this one – I learned it from a celebrity make-up artist (and my sis Whit as well).  We want to look sun*kissed in the summer without being sun*damaged.

In the meantime, here’s a little of what I’ve been up to, primarily, school shopping for the girls, hanging out with the kiddos, fighting off summer germs (ick) and loving up my cat and hubby (not pictured).

My baby T-rex.
With bronzer; it looks even better with lipgloss and not in my car
KD practicing with her new school backpack.  I'm loving the sunglasses.
Easy Mac, Birthday Girl A and KD - future cousins too!

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