May 29, 2014


Posted by Lori~

The other day, my girlfriend and WOM-MOM follower Shelley mentioned to me that she was craving a radish sandwich.  What?!?  WTF?!?  That's right.  Maybe I am living in little city, ND, but I have NEVER heard of such a thing?  Have you?

Here's Shelley and Vicki at a coupon class!

A vegetable sandwich is for sure healthier than most!  Why not give it a try!

And, Wal-Mart actually sells shredded radish in the produce section.  Mur-Man actually helped make this lunch.

The only supplies needed are bread (I used low-cal), butter/margarine, radishes (you could slice your own), and salt.

It's really that simple.  The verdict:  It tasted OK.  Would I crave this sandwich? Sorry Shelley, but no.  However it wasn't bad.  And no, Mur-Man did not eat the sandwich.  I believe he had a hot dog or mac and cheese for lunch that day!

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