July 27, 2011


Posted by Lori~

Last summer it rained and it rained A LOT!  This summer however, it has rained even more.  And unfortunately, the rain had to put another project on our home project check-list. 

Our basement did flood a few times this summer (specifically when it rained).  And so, a few weeks ago Steve and I went to town on our landscaping.  We needed to build up the ground in order to slant the dirt away from the house.
Mid-project, but mostly the before
Steve and I did look into hiring someone to do the job, but we soon realized we could do it ourselves for A LOT CHEAPER.  We dug in, we got dirty, and we went town.  We are starting with one side of the house first (this summer’s project) and if needed, we will hit other sides of the house in the future.

Tons of rock to move...plus check-out that plastic!
First up, we had to dig up the flowerbed.  We opted to save several bushes.  We simply cut them down and used 5 gallon bucket rings (Steve cut them off and they were purchased at a garage sale for less than 25 cents each) to serve as a dike around the bushes (to keep the dirt away from the trees).  We pulled out old plastic and moved wheel barrel after wheel barrel of rocks.

Steve pulled out the window boxes and reset them.  We then hauled in and shoveled a ton of clay (sloping away from the building). 
Moving this pile was OUT-OF-CONTROL!
But, a great workout!
Lastly, we hauled in truckloads full of top soil. 
The after.  Ready for grass!
Another view
Back-side of house (other side of fence)
WOMS—next up we will be sodding the ground and growing grass.  Stay tuned for that project and for updates (Steve and I are virgin sodders).  
We also started the beginning of "planning" the garden by using old railroad tiles and soil. 
Sod will also be going here!
Mur-Man and Rog like to get DIRTY!

Mur-Man's hands and shoes--straight to the tub!
WOMS—get your hands dirty to improve your home!  Plus—you save money!  DO IT! 

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